Club Tanzanite is an exclusive group of individual veterinarians and veterinary practices that contribute noteworthy sums of money to the South African Veterinary Foundation NPO (SAVF) and its various causes every year. Club Tanzanite is open to registered veterinarians, and veterinary practices and veterinary retail outlets registered with the South African Veterinary Council, who meet the minimum donation criteria in any financial year.
The South African Veterinary Foundation has a number of initiatives where members of the public or organisations who support the wellbeing of animals and man can contribute to. To learn more please visit the website of The South African Veterinary Foundation at
Membership of Club Tanzanite is for vets only.
To view a list of the members of this prestigious group of vets please click on Members.
The South African Veterinary Foundation has the mandate to promote and advance Veterinary and other Biological Sciences in all its aspects. The SA Vet Foundation supports veterinary research at all levels from funding bursaries for undergraduate veterinary studies, to the financial support of research projects for Master's and PhD degrees, to post-doctoral studies. The SAVF administers funds in order to promote the knowledge, image and status of the Veterinary and Para veterinary Professions and practice within Southern Africa with an end goal of improving quality of life for animal and man.
To read more about the work and the history of the South African Veterinary Foundation please visit
The SAVF salutes the Members of Club Tanzanite who give selflessly to improve the quality and life of animals.