Club Tanzanite is an initiative of the South African Veterinary Foundation NPO.

Terms and conditions

  1. The Club is open to registered veterinarians in their personal capacity or veterinary practices or veterinary retail outlets registered with the South African Veterinary Council (hereinafter referred to as vets).
  2. Vets donating to the South African Veterinary Foundation (SAVF) will automatically become eligible for membership of Club Tanzanite but must still register to ensure the proper details of the entity or individual is captured for Article 18A Receipt purposes.
  3. Members for Club Tanzanite agree that their names and hyperlinks to their entities may be published both electronically and in printed media.
  4. Members who choose not to have their information displayed or published should notify the SAVF in order to make the relevant administrative changes.
  5. Contributions made to any of the SAVF funds (e.g. Pet and Equine Memorial Funds, Rhino and Conservation Fund, Book Fund and Bursary Fund) will all count towards to total contributions calculated in a financial year.
  6. General contributions are eligible for recognition as long as the SAVF has been informed of the identity of the donor. If donations are made anonymously it cannot be recognised.
  7. Donations made by clients of veterinarians will not be eligible for recognition for membership of Club Tanzanite.
  8. Excluding contributions to specific Funds or specified projects, the board of the SAVF shall have the discretion to allocate donated funds to where it deems fit.
  9. If a donor has specific requirements for how his/her/its donation must be spent he/she/it must put a proposal to the directors of the SAVF for final approval. No money should be donated before a final decision has not been made by the board of the SAVF. Donations which do not comply with this requirement shall be allocated at the discretion of the board.
  10. All members making any financial contributing compliant with the requirements shall be recognised as a “Green Member” to start off.
  11. Recognition is retrospective of a financial year i.e. contributions made in the 2016 financial year (1 March 2015 to 28 February 2016) will only be tallied at the end of such a financial year and recognised as member of a specific tier once the new financial year starts. Even if a member makes the full contribution eligible for the Gold tier on the 1st of March 2016, such member will only receive recognition as a Gold Member from the 1st of March 2017 for the 2016 year. The website will display this member as a Green Member for 2016 and when the 2017 financial year starts on 1 March and all contributing members for 2017 are recognised as Green Members, such member will then be recognised as a Gold Member for the 2016 financial year.
  12. Qualifying tiers shall be adapted upwards annually at the discretion of the board of the SAVF in line with inflation and or the Consumer Price Index.
  13. Members who achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold Status shall receive a trophy and certificate recognizing this achievement at the end of each financial year.
  14. Members who achieve Gold status two years in a row shall receive a Tanzanite stone.
  15. Members who achieve Gold Status three years consecutively shall qualify for one veterinarian’s registration fee for the biennial SAVA congress and for two tickets as invited guests of the SAVF to the SAVA Gala Dinner.
  16. Membership status obtained at the end of a specific year will continue to be displayed on the Club Tanzanite and SAVF websites for a five year period after such status has been achieved.
  17. Should any member dispute their status at any point in time and such dispute cannot be resolved as an administrative error, the matter will be referred to the board of the SAVF.
  18. All decisions by the board of the SAVF with regards to Club Tanzanite are full and final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
  19. The board of the SAVF retains the right to amend or expand the rules of the Club at its own discretion.
  20. All donors indemnify The SAVF, its associated companies, and its directors, employees and agents, against any and all claims for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising from any cause whatsoever from their participation in any way howsoever in the Club Tanzanite initiative.